So above are some pictures of the less beautiful images I have shot in the Cumbuco and Fortaleza areas, but they do also depict life lived here. While there is incredible beauty in this country there are also many signs of the struggles and problems within it as well. Last night as we ate dinner with Steve's friends it was very helpful for me to share what I have been learning in my ICE program about Brazil's poverty, oppression/racism, struggles between religions, etc. Mauricio confirmed and elaborated on much that I had heard. He said yes they the way they were colonized with the incredible use of slavery is still impacting them in devastating ways today…similar to the United States colonization but to a greater extent.
Steve has said that being back has been shocking for him as he is realizing that things have not progressed much and at times maybe declined. Mauricio said that in Brazil Methodist's are considered much more conservative than some of the other denominations…which this seems to have been a shift since the time of Steve's family living here. It has been said that most churches here are more concerned with "saving souls" than "improving the conditions for the oppressed". I interpret this to be less concern for the social gospel and more emphasis on the personal gospel. Mauricio said that yes most churches focus on how in eternity you will find everything is made right for you instead of trying alleviate suffering now. He also explained that prosperity gospel is being brought to Brazil through some US influence and it is greatly hurting the the true heart of the Gospel here. He explained how people are being told to give 90% of all they have and that they will get back 4xs what they give. Then he said when this doesn't happen people leave faith all together because they feel the church has hurt them and taken what little they had. Pretty disappointing to hear this is what is going on, but I assured him that we struggle with similar problems in the US too.
He also confirmed the synchronicity of multiple religions in Brazilians worship. Much like I was told most are not a fan of this element in the country. It seems most Brazilian Christians don't appreciate or feel good accepting the Condamble or other religions, they see this as evil or wrong. Though he did admit that it was true most Africans were not allowed to worship in the churches they helped to construct in the 1500-1800's. This only added to their need to establish a way to worship, celebrate and have faith on their own.
Also I have learned that issues of inclusion for LGBTQ persons is also a continuing struggle in Brazil. Seems each state here has the right to chose about marriage equality as Bahia (where Salvador is located) has approved marriage equality for all persons…while Rio de Janeiro is one who has not yet. Anglicans and Lutherans seem to be on the far left here pushing for greater equality while others lean more right.
Doesn't seem to matter where you go in our world…as humanity we seem to continually struggle with how to love, care for, deem all people and creation as equally worthy and whole. I think that is why this quote has stuck with me on this trip…
"History is not just facts and events. History is also a pain in the heart and we repeat history until we are able to make anothers pain in the heart out own" Professor Julius Lester
I realize I have been poor in doing this but I desire to be the type of person who no matter the issue or the difference of opinion to try to make another person's pain, ideas, consideration my own…to understand it, to wrestle with it, to consider it, to feel it, to contemplate it so that I can try my best to know where someone is coming from before I respond to them. I can't say I think this will be easy for me to remember or to do but it is one way I would like to grow towards loving greater and fuller as invited to by Jesus in the great commandment.
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