Thursday, September 27, 2012

 Me in front of the Victoria Museum a monument to Queen Victoria built in 1906
Oldest Kali Temple in all of India.  Kali is the goddess of destruction for the state of Bengal.
Meal we ate tonight at a Bengali restaurant.

So today we spent the morning relaxing and resting before heading out to see Calcutta.  I can express to you how incredibly BAD traffic is.  There are no lanes, you go and do whatever you want with your car...constantly blowing you horn.  It is so much worse than any other country I have been in...complete chaos.  We walking through the Kali Temple.  They are nearing a big festival time for worship of Kali and so there was lots to see.  They still slaughter 20-30 goats there every morning and we saw where they do that.  They worship Kali because she is meant to destroy all evil...her destruction is for all that is bad or evil in the world.  They pay her homage through gifts of hibiscus flowers (meant to represent blood of those who are evil), gifts of bread, and others.  Incense burns throughout the temple.

Tonight we ate at a place that served all its food on banana leaves laid on rough pottery.  It was really pretty.  I was lucky enough to have them give me a cup and small saucer which will be used as a communion chalice when I am home.  The food was great.  No one here really drinks coffee...which is a big let down and it is giving lots of us headaches.  We found the oldest coffee house in Calcutta tonight and it was AC but we all had coffee at 7pm cause we were so thankful to find a place to serve us.  It was a huge place inside.  Our guide told us the top floor was for  "lovers" :)  But then again he has told us that about several spots today.

When we got back once again we passed by the naked babies laying asleep outside our doors...this time we did not walk over them, but our bus passed by no less than 1.5 feet from where they lay passed out.  I am not sure what to do with this knowledge.

And honestly I am afraid to go to Mother Teresa's tomorrow...some things I want to be blind to.  But please pray I can be open and see and feel and listen for God.

Good night!

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